Sunday 8 December 2013

Political Thriller Inter-textual References Ideas

As a group we decided to create our own inter-textual reference to fascism as our thriller sequence is of the political sub-genre.  We created a variety of flags which reflect the fascist movement and symbolise the political colours of that era. 

We decided to use Flag 1 as our inter-textual reference as we chose to modify the Flag of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and alter the swastika design; which is a well-known symbol of Nazi Germany. Our group chose these colours as green represents hope and strength, red shows power and courage, black stands for determination and death, whilst the white star is a patriotic symbol which is present in various flags across the world.   

Friday 6 December 2013

Practice seqeuence

This is an example of some of the practice filming the group did to see how the scenes would work and wether or not we would need to change things about the script or the sequence itself. This scene was not filmed in the area we hoped as it was unavailable so we had to construct a stage for George Meadows' assassination scene. The real stage will be better for mise en scene as it has curtains at the back which looks more believable then the visible wall in this version of the sequence. We have also decided to film the flash back scenes in black and white firstly because we encountered problems when creating blood stains and secondly to connote it is in the past and being recalled rather than happening presently.