Preliminary task video and sheet depicting task
Brief and Planning
The brief for the preliminary task is that we were required to 'demonstrate match on action shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule'. Overall, we discussed and agreed that the ideal portrayal of match-on-action would be someone opening and walking through a door, whilst, obviously a shot reverse shot would be used to show a short conversation. It meant that we had a broad idea of what to film but not how we would set it up. This is why we had to storyboard the specific camera shots we would show and in what order. During the planning process we also decided to include other shots such as long shots and panning shots to increase interest through variety. Together the planned 8 shots summed up to under half the time of the required minute.
This video is about the 180 degree rule which regards shot reverse shot
Both pages of our groups drawn storyboard
Production Process:
The filming location was set in a small room and a narrow corridor with 2 other groups trying to also film their preliminary task. Consequently, we had to adapt by starting to film the conversation between our actors rather than start chronologically with the entry of the protagonist.
The way the filming of the conversation went was that it took 2 takes: one over the shoulder shot of one person during the exchange and the same was done for the other. All that was needed afterwards was to edit the parts of the clips we needed to form a shot reverse shot of the conversation.
Conversation filmed from 2 angles
There were some issues with the size of the room and confusion with remembering the (somewhat improvised) script. However, we managed to manipulate adequate camera angles to portray and sorted out the confusion. The approach to the corridor scene was similar to before in that there was little room to work with.
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