Preliminary Task
The brief for this task was to make a short sequence involving filming and editing a character opening a door and sitting down opposite another character whilst exchanging dialogue. Also whist filming this, my group and I must demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule in our short sequence.
When planning the short sequence we had decided to do a storyboard. This allowed us to help decided what kind of camera angles and what scenes we wanted in our short sequence. I believe this was very helpful because when it came to actually filming the sequence we were able to draw a reference to what we wanted to show on camera and made easy and quick to film as well because it was all planned.

The production was very good because our short film sequence was very flowing because of the great editing that was done on the filming that was done. Also we were successful in demonstrating match on action, shot/reverse shot whilst following the 180 degree rule. The down part is that next time we will be sure to film whilst their are sound that we dont want to be in our final production as the sound is irrelevant to watch we were going for.
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