Friday 8 November 2013


 Kate Sampson Lydia, could possibly play the role of Kate Sampson because the role requires little acting and we only the need actor for this role for very little time so if we could get someone from school to play the role it would make filming easier. 

 Dennis Regan could possibly play the role of Dennis because our group felt he fit the role of Dennis because he would be able to portray Dennis' apathetic personality. Regan is also quite keen on acting in our thriller sequence and having someone who wants to participate would be beneficial.

 George Meadows Moises could play the role of Meadows because he participates in drama clubs outside of school and Meadows will be an important character in the opening sequence so we need someone who is comfortable with appearing on screen and confident whilst filming.

 Thomas Law Farid could play the role of Thomas Law  because the role requires little acting and we only the need actor for this role for very little time so if we could get someone from school to play the role it would make filming easier.

Anyone who we do not use as people with important roles for the sequence could be used as one of the photos on Franco's room. 

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