Friday 8 November 2013

Location Research

After creating our final draft it was important for us to select a variety of suitable locations, which we can use for each scene, therefore as part of pre-production research we decided to take photos of a range of potential locations. One of our possible locations is a stage which has a podium, that could be used when Meadows addresses a crowd. This arrangement provides us with a professional/formal environment which is greatly suitable for our political thriller's mise-en-scene and cinematography. It is a very practical location due to the amount of space available on the stage and very low health and safety risk. Using this location we are able to play around with lighting and due to the amount of space available we can also shoot a variety of shots. We were also thinking about possibly adding a logo to the podium in order to make this location seem more like a government conference room.

This is a hallway which could be used for one of the scenes. It is suitable as it has fairly good lighting and space. There is a sophisticated feel to this location due to its modern feel and plain walls, although this is a school corridor; Meadows entrance can be captured in a more professional manor due to this.
This location can also be useful for our political thriller opening sequence, which contains photographs of dead bodies. Using this location we can place our actor face down on the pavement with blood visible to make it known to the audience that the killer has murdered several people and has a sinister signature of taking photos of the people he kills.The second location for the photographs could be a bushy area at day or night so that the body appears to have been discarded in woodland area which would add an extra creepy element to the opening sequence.

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