Thursday 28 November 2013

Shooting Schedule

Date: 02/12/2013

Time: 3:40 - 4:10

Location: Corridor + Stage

Shots: 4-10, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26-28

Actors: Pierce

Crew: Alex, Joe

Costumes and Props: Black tie, trench coat, papers

Equipment: Camera, Tripod

Potential Issues: There is a possibility of students interrupting shots during these times.

Risk Assessment: Low - as we are filming within the school grounds there are less hazards around.


Date: 07/12/2013

Time: 12:00 - 12:40

Location: Charlie's house

Shots: 1-4

Actors: Stefan, Myles

Crew: Alex, Joe

Costumes and Props: suits, black tie, newspapers, hoodie

Equipment: Camera, Tripod

Potential Issues: 

Risk Assessment: Low - as we are filming in a house, there are few hazards which could affect our filming.


Date: 07/12/2013

Time: 1:00 - 1:30

Location: Charlie's house

Shots: 5-8, 13-14, 19, 21, 23, 25

Actors: Stefan, Myles

Crew: Alex, Joe

Costumes and Props: Radio, dart board, candles

Equipment: Camera, Tripod

Potential Issues: 

Risk Assessment: Medium- as we are filming in a house, there are few hazards which could affect our filming                                   however as candles will be involved in a few scenes it is important that we carefully                                             navigate round the room.


Date: 09/12/2013

Time: 3:40 - 4:10

Location: School

Shots: 15-17

Actors: Regan

Crew: Alex, Joe

Costumes and Props: suits, black tie, documents, folders, newspaper

Equipment: Camera, Tripod

Potential Issues: There is a possibility of students interrupting shots during these times.

Risk Assessment: Low - as we are filming within the school grounds there are less hazards around.

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