Wednesday 6 November 2013

Thriller Genre - Research

Thriller Genre - Research

The thriller genre is all about films that make the audiences feel mixed emotions of anxiety, tension, apprehension and uncertainty. Audiences expectation of these features of when watching these films keep developing the tension and suspension throughout out the film or scene, keeping audiences hooked in to watching it until the climax which can give them a thrill or scare depending on the film.

The earliest thrillers date back to the 1920's/early 30's through the notable work of Alfred Hitchcock's thriller film '' The Lodger '' (1926) and '' Blackmail '' (1929). the 1970's and 80's saw a violent start in thriller genre with films such as '' Frenzy '' (1972) which was given an R rating for it's explicit violence. from the 1990's to the present its now very coming to get a variety of sub-genre that combine with the thriller genre. These are film that both have thriller conventions but also mixed with different genre's like for example (with film titles) :

1) Psychological Thrillers - '' Black swan''
2) Conspiracy Thrillers - '' JFK ''
3) Espionage Thrillers - '' Skyfall ''
4) Disaster Thrillers - '' 2012 ''

The 8 primary elements of the Thriller genre are:

1) The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or the character who cannot be put down.
2) The main plot line focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
3) The film’s narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist’s point of view.
4) All action and characters must be credibly realistic/natural in their representation on screen.
5) The two major themes that underpin the Thriller are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals.
6) One small but significant aspect of a great thriller is the presence of innocence in what is seen as an essentially corrupt world.
7) The protagonist faces death, whether it is their own or someone else's.
8) The antagonist must be far superior (stronger and/or cleverer) than the protagonist.

There are various production techniques used in films to help create suspense and tension among viewers in the film:

 Sound -

Sound can provide depth, establish character and environment, introduce a new scene or cue the viewer to important information. Sound terms that help achieve thriller conventions for example a score which is the music specially written for the scene can intensify the anxiety. Also sound effects are enhancements added during the post- production for example the foot steps, a door slamming shut or someone could be breathing could all be enhance to make them more distinctive which makes it very effective in achieving fear in viewers.

Editing -

Editing in film making is used to describe the relationship between shots and the narrative. Filmmakers and editors may use editing to solicit our intellectual participation or to call attention to their work in a reflexive manner by using techniques such as long takes, which are often used to build suspense or capture the attention of audience without breaking their concentration by cutting the film.

Cinematography -

Cinematography is all about the various camera techniques used for filming. These include the manipulation of the camera lens, framing, scale and movement. An example of a technique that helps bring thriller convention is the use of high or low angle can make the subject for example seem very powerful or very weak and vulnerable which when done with a point of view shot can make the scene seen more dramatically exciting and scary for viewers.

Mise En Scene -

The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly “put into the scene”. This means that mise en scene describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged. These are lighting, setting, props, costume, actor performance, actor appearance, hair and make-up. A thriller convention that is key is the setting because if its set in a creepy abandoned cabin in a place called the black forrest thats sets the mood for something wrong is gonna happen which already builds the tension right from the start.

Common Thriller Conventions -

  • Enigma codes are where mysteries and questioned are set up in the narrative.
  • Audience expectation is when the viewers predict whats gonna happen like someone being killed or is gonna get caught builds uncertainty and excitement. 
  • Action code is an event on screen that leads the audience to anticipate a subsequent action which builds suspense for what they expect to happen.
  • Dramatic irony is playing with the hierarchy of knowledge because the audience is privy to narrative information that the protagonist is not and that makes viewers feel apprehended.
  • Red herring is when the audience is fed false or misleading information which can leave viewers puzzled.

This scene from " Silence of the Lamb " displays clear example of thriller conventions. For example the use of dramatic irony means that the audience sees what the two guards don't see which is the antagonist getting some sought of a pin to pick the handcuffs which creates suspense for the viewers. Also the use of a long edit during this scene allows the audience to grab their attention to what's gonna happen and by doing so, makes the audience anticipate the worst possible outcome for the two guards. The scene score is an example of contrapuntal sound before and after the brutal murder of the two guards. The score during the scene is a form of calm piano playing music which causes disparity between what the audience can see and hear. Also the score changed from the calm piano music to a high pitch violin and cello which is synchronised to match the attack on the two guards for the escape who h helps intensify the anxiety from what is being watched on screen already.

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